Congratulations to the winners of the Women’s HISTORY MONTH ART CONTEST:
1st SZA: D-Do You Even Know I’m Alive, by Trinity Mayweather, 8th grade
2nd Midwest Princess, by Kingsleigh Franklin, 7th grade
3rd Melanie Martinez: Show & Tell by Evelyn Gomez, 7th grade

Congratulations to Sophie Abro for receiving the Award of Excellence in the 2024-2025 PTSA Louisiana Reflections Contest. And a HUGE Congratulations to our 2024-2025 STATE PTSA Reflections winners. They will go on to compete at the National Level:
For Dance AND Visual Arts: Avika Khandelwal and
For Literature: Belle St. Amant
Congratulations ladies! Way to represent our school so very well!

The Intermediate Band went to District Festival yesterday and received a superior on stage and a superior in sight reading, which gave us an overall sweepstakes award. This is the highest honor for district festival! Our student conductor, Rand Price, received a superior rating for his conducting of Sweetwater March. This is a huge honor as the conductor is decided by his peers in the intermediate band. Congratulations! The Advanced Band will go to district festival today. Wish them luck today!

Congratulations to the March Math Students of the month. They are Evelyn Birmingham for 6th grade, Ryuu Andres for 7th grade, and Jayden Nam for 8th grade.

CMM Cheer Tryouts will take place March 26-28. There is a MANDATORY parent meeting on Tuesday, March 18 at 5:30 pm in the library. A parent MUST attend for you to tryout and receive the tryout packet.

Attention 6th Grade Parents: Founders Day is quickly approaching! Please see the attached letter to see how you can support CMM!

Beauty and the Beast, Jr. opens today! Tickets are available on Local Level for our school-wide musical, Beauty and the Beast, Jr. ! Performances start today after school. There will be 2 performances today and Thursday at 3:45 and 6:00 pm. Student tickets are $5. Come enjoy a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme...Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

Tickets are now available on Local Level for our school-wide musical Beauty and the Beast, Jr. ! Performances will be on March 4th and 6th at 3:45 and 6:00 pm. CMM Teachers get in free, but you must have a ticket, students tickets are $5… So come out next week and enjoy a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme…Beauty and the Beast…Jr.

Student Council week is next week!

Congratulations to our February Math Students of the Month!

CMM proudly presents..."Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Jr."

Kona will be here Feb. 20th!

The band concert for tonight has been canceled due to illness.

8th grade girls interested in Pep Squad/Freshmen Cheer at Captain Shreve there will be a mandatory parent meeting, on March 18, 2025, from 5:30 to 6:30 in the Shreve cafeteria.

FCA this Thursday.

The deadline to purchase 8th Grade Recognition Ads has been extended to Feb. 13th. Ads can be purchased at www.jostensadservice.com.

Congratulations to our 2025 Track Team!

There will be a mandatory parent meeting for anyone interested in trying out for Captain Shreve's Highline (and pep squad) on February 11.

The deadline to purchase 8th Grade Recognition Ads in the yearbook is this Saturday, February 8th. Ads can be purchased at www.jostensadservice.com.

Last Friday, CMM won the 6th-grade middle school soccer championship. Congratulations!