The band concert for tonight has been canceled due to illness.
5 days ago, CMM
8th grade girls interested in Pep Squad/Freshmen Cheer at Captain Shreve there will be a mandatory parent meeting, on March 18, 2025, from 5:30 to 6:30 in the Shreve cafeteria.
5 days ago, CMM
Shreve Pep
FCA this Thursday.
6 days ago, CMM
The deadline to purchase 8th Grade Recognition Ads has been extended to Feb. 13th. Ads can be purchased at
9 days ago, CMM
Yearbook ads
Congratulations to our 2025 Track Team!
9 days ago, CMM
Track Team
There will be a mandatory parent meeting for anyone interested in trying out for Captain Shreve's Highline (and pep squad) on February 11. 
10 days ago, CMM
The deadline to purchase 8th Grade Recognition Ads in the yearbook is this Saturday, February 8th. Ads can be purchased at
11 days ago, CMM
Yearbook ads
Last Friday, CMM won the 6th-grade middle school soccer championship. Congratulations!
13 days ago, CMM
Attention 6th—and 7th-grade stallions! Are you interested in running for student council and helping make the school a better place? If so, please attend the mandatory Student Council interest meeting on January 30 at 5:30 in the PAC. You and your parent or guardian must be present if you want to run next year!
19 days ago, CMM
Hey Stallions! Are you ready to dance the night away? Hearty Party is on February 13 from 3:30 to 5! Tickets are live on Local Level for $10. Get your ticket before February 9th! Remember, you MUST be in dress code and you must wear your outfit to school that day.
19 days ago, CMM
Hearty Party
Can you sing, dance, juggle, or do you have a crazy talent and you want to share it? Talent Show tryouts are on February 20th at 3:45 in the PAC! In order to try out you will need to sign up with Mrs. Waddell in A110 by February 13.
19 days ago, CMM
Talent Show
Congratulations to all who competed in Shreve High School's Gator Games Math Competition. Sahil Tank, Conner Burgin, & Chandan Suresh won 1st place in the 6th grade team division and looked dapper in their matching pi-rates shirts. Team Pi Party: Mason Dong, Aryan Pingili, and Aiden Zhao won overall out of the 64 teams that competed. Team Geodes and Friend had the second highest score, Soh Cah Toa was third, and Algebrites was fourth. For individuals: Mason Dong had the top score, second was Anush Kohli, third Aryan Pingili, fourth Brian Han, fifth Aiden Zhao, sixth Pranav Pingili. Final scores and results will be posted in front of Mrs. Bodily's room today.
20 days ago, CMM
Math Counts
Lacrosse Registration
23 days ago, CMM
Girl Talk!
24 days ago, CMM
Girl Talk
Kona Ice will be here Jan. 30th. Find the presale code below.
24 days ago, CMM
MathCounts Results
25 days ago, CMM
Math Counts
A group of CMM Student Council members traveled down to Sulpher Louisiana to represent our council as a whole at the Louisiana Association of Student Councils State Convention. Our council members met with other student leaders throughout the whole state to share and discuss ideas for improving our schools and strengthening leadership skills. We also competed in a number of contests.  Here are the results:
26 days ago, Kristy Spillane
Student Council Awards
CMM Swim Team Meeting - Tuesday, January 28 at 5:30 pm in the CMM Library. This is for everyone who plans to join the CMM Swim Team or who needs more information. We will also be taking a team picture for the yearbook at this meeting. Students, wear your Swim Team shirt from last year! If you do not have one yet, we will have some extras that you can borrow for the picture. Contact Jenny McGuirk at for questions or more information.
26 days ago, CMM
swim 1
swim 2
Tennis Tryout Information
26 days ago, CMM
CMM Spirit Night Feb. 11, 2025
26 days ago, CMM
Spirit Night