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Attention 8th graders - All neighborhood high school registration forms must be turned in to Mrs. Wayda, in the Counselor's office, no later than Tuesday, February 25th.  If you have any questions please see Mrs. Wayda.

If you signed up to try out for Battle of the Books and you have NOT been added to the Battle of the Books Canvas, please let Mrs. Carscadden know TODAY so she can add you to the page.   

March is Women's History Month. Who is a woman artist who particularly inspires you? This can include visual art, design, literature, drama, dance, music, or culinary art. Create your own work of art that honors this woman and her artistic legacy. Pick up info & entry form in Mrs. Sitton's room B112. The deadline is Tuesday, March 4.


Attention 7th-grade artists: Advanced Art is a full-year course for 8th-graders only. You will earn high school credit & participate in several exciting projects & opportunities. An application is required & due by Friday, March 7. Contact Mrs. Sitton if you have any questions. 
