School Supply List 2024-2025
2—3 Ring Binders (I inch) (Blue-ELA, Red-Math)
Binder Divider Tabs (at least 7)
Loose Leaf Paper (for all classes)
Twistable Crayola Color Pencils (at least 18)
Pens—Black, Blue, Red, and Green
Highlighters (assorted colors)
Pencil Pouch
***All other supplies will be provided by the teacher with school fees—with the exception of Mixed Media/Intermediate Art and Art I.
School Fees
6th and 7th Grade--$40.00
8th Grade--$50.00 (Includes Science Rocket)
PE--$10.00 (includes planner) Uniforms are purchased at Shreveport Gymnastics.
***Fees vary for elective classes. The elective fees are included on the Elective Descriptions Sheet.