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All forms and fees for Cheer tryouts are due Friday, March 22!  This includes, the Intent to Run form, Fees paid on Local Level, and a copy of grades submitted to Mrs. Guthrie in Room B210.

Attention NJHS members! All members must bring 24 filled Easter Eggs to Mrs. Ardoin by Thursday, March 21 to participate in the Easter Celebration! For questions, please see Mrs. Ardoin! 

Kona Ice will be here on March 21.  The prepaid code is  F01253813.

Attention 7th-grade artists: do you want to take a full year of art & earn high school credit while creating fun projects like wearable art & the Rose Center Christmas mural? If so, apply Art I. This course is designed for intermediate to advanced 8th graders who have received visual art instruction at CMM and wish to focus on exploring a personal style. It will prepare students for high school art and an art career. Applications are due by Tuesday, March 19. 

Attention 6th & 7th graders… if creating content for Social Media and Marketing interests you,  apply for next year's KCMM staff.  Using the skills you already have, create videos that help promote our school, highlight student achievements, and some that are just for fun. If you don’t have those skills yet, you will learn them along the way. We will use various platforms to create content for FB, Instagram, and YouTube.  This is a preselect class so you must fill out an application to be considered for this class.

Both Art and KCMM applications can be found on the CMM homepage under the “Elective Applications” button.  

Check out CMM's instagram at cmm_middlemagnet




March 18

Happy 13th Birthday Masyn! We love you, from Mom and Braylin